

How can I register a film?

As a person entitled to receive royalties with VGF, you can register films with us at any time by using our work registration form (pdf).

How can I register broadcasting dates for German films?

In principle you can only notify us of the broadcasting dates of films already registered with us. We collect information about the broadcasting dates of other films in an annual registration campaign, of which you will be informed automatically. We conduct research to determine the broadcasting dates of feature films.

How can I register broadcasting dates for foreign films?

In principle VGF researches all the broadcasting dates of foreign film productions for the broadcasting company entitled to payment. All the same we would request you to let us know the broadcasting date of your film by sending us an informal note.

What are the types of film work recognised by VGF?

The VGF distribution plan provides for different work factors for different types of cinematographic works. The distribution plan differentiates between the following types of film work:

  • Feature Film
  • Cinema Documentary
  • Feature
  • Documentary
  • Feature Film Series
  • Documentary Film Series
  • Game Series
  • Documentary Series

How can I perceive my claims as a director?

Directors can register films without using the forms, by simply sending us an e-mail to include the following information:

  • Title; episode titles and sequence, in the case of series
  • Type of work (feature film, documentary, series etc.)
  • Details of cinema release
  • Type of production (independent, broadcasting company or commissioned production)
  • Production firm
  • Producing country, year of production and duration in minutes
  • Director’s entitlement in % in the case of shared directorship